Meet the Almanzas. Tabitha had an idea about using the random trees that people decorate on the side of 360 and I said “people decorate trees on the side of 360???” I have only lived in Austin for about a billion years and I guess I haven’t noticed the bright, random, decorated trees that line all up 360. Yes, I know…I must move out from under my rock. After I told Jen about these random 360 trees she was like yea, they do that every year… Anyways, we used that as one of our locations and it was a blast for not only the kids but myself as well.

Paul & Tabitha, you guys are extremely lucky to be blessed with such beautiful children. Jen and I had a blast hanging out with you guys and thanks for letting us document your family portraits.

And for anyone that did not know, they decorate random trees along the side of 360 around the holidays, just sayin’ 😉

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